How Long Does Snake Away Smell Last? Explained

Snakes are fascinating creatures that have been a source of fear and curiosity for humans for centuries. While they play an important role in balancing ecosystems, they can also threaten humans and their property.

As a result, many people turn to snake repellents to keep these slithering creatures at bay. One popular product on the market is Snake Away, a granular repellent that claims to create a barrier against garter species of snakes entering a treated area.

Here, we will show you how long the snake away smell lasts and explore the factors that affect its longevity. We will also provide expert insights and tips on maximising the effectiveness of these product details.

How Long Does Snake Away Smell Last

An Overview Of Snake Away

An Overview Of Snake Away

Snake-A-Way is the only snake repellent registered by the EPA and tested by universities worldwide. It effectively repels both poisonous and non-poisonous snakes.

The dry granular mixture is simple to apply. It can be easily sprinkled by hand around various areas like homes, trailers, cabins, campsites, and garages to achieve the desired effect of snake repellency.

Features And Specs Of The Product:

Feature Specification
Active Ingredient Naphthalene 7%, Sulfur 28%
Target pests Snakes
For use in Outdoor Use Only: Houses, Cabins, Trailers, Garages, Utility Houses, Barns, Woodpiles, Sand Piles, Trash Cans and Flower Beds
NOT FOR SALE TO California
Shipping Weight 2.06 lbs
Manufacturer Dr. T (Mfg. Number: 100001095)
UPC 743860222020
EPA Registration 58630-1

Duration Of Snake Away Smell

Duration Of Snake Away Smell

Snake-A-Way is a dry granular snake repellent lasting up to three months. The smell of Snake-A-Way can be strong at first, but it should start to fade after a few days outdoors. For best results, reapply when the odor becomes faint.

The powerful smell of Snake Away contains naphthalene and sulfur, two intentionally strong-smelling active ingredients intended to irritate snakes’ sensory organs. The repellent lasts about 3 months when used in accordance with the product label.

Using Snake Away In Trailers

To use Snake Away in trailers, first, ensure the trailer is clean and dry. Sprinkle Snake Away granules evenly along the perimeter of the trailer, creating a barrier. Pay special attention to areas where snakes could enter, such as gaps or openings.

Reapply every 2-4 weeks or after heavy rain. Keep pets and children away from treated areas until the granules have settled. Regularly inspect and replenish the Snake Away as needed to maintain effectiveness. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your trailer is protected from snakes.

Factors Affecting The Duration Of Snake Away Smell

Factors Affecting The Duration Of Snake Away Smell

Snake Away is a highly effective and reliable product with specific designs to deter and repel snakes from residential and commercial areas. With its innovative formula and scientific approach, Snake Away provides a safe and efficient solution to the persistent problem of snakes invading properties. Several factors can influence the duration of the Snake Away smell.

1.Environmental Conditions

The duration of the Snake Away smell can be influenced by environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and air circulation. Higher temperatures and humidity levels can potentially accelerate the evaporation of the scent, reducing its duration. In contrast, cooler temperatures and lower humidity levels may prolong the smell.

2.Application Method

How Snake Away is applied can also affect the duration of its smell. Following the instructions provided by the manufacturer is essential to ensure proper application. The thickness and coverage of the product in the desired areas can impact how long the smell remains effective.

3.Product Quality

The quality and concentration of the Snake Away product can play a role in the duration of its smell. Different brands or formulations may have varying levels of effectiveness and longevity. Choosing a reputable brand and following the recommended application guidelines is important.

4.Outdoor Elements

Outdoor factors such as rain, wind, and sunlight exposure can impact the duration of the Snake Away smell. Heavy rainfall can wash away the scent, while strong winds can rapidly disperse it. Additionally, prolonged exposure to sunlight can degrade the scent, reducing its effectiveness over time.

Best Practices For Effective Use

Best Practices For Effective Use

Best practices for effective use of Snake Away include carefully following the instructions provided on the product label, applying the repellent in areas where snakes are likely to be present, such as around the perimeter of your property or in areas with high snake activity, and reapplying the product as directed to ensure maximum effectiveness in keeping snakes away.

Additionally, it is important to regularly inspect the treated areas for any signs of snake activity and make any necessary adjustments to your snake deterrent strategy to maintain a snake-free environment.

How Snake Away Works

Snake Away is a product designed to repel snakes from your property. It works by emitting a strong scent that is an unpleasant odor to snakes, deterring them from entering or staying in the treated area.

The scent is created using natural snake-repellent active ingredients that are safe for humans and pets but repulsive to snakes. People typically apply Snake Away around the property’s perimeter to create a barrier that snakes are reluctant to cross.

Signs That Snake Away Smell Is Fading

Signs That Snake Away Smell Is Fading

  •  Reduced potency of the scent in the vicinity
  •  Increased snake activity or sightings around the area
  •  Vegetation regrowth or return of animals to the treated area
  •  Lack of repelling effect on snakes, leading to their presence near structures or pathways

Top 5 Best Snake Repellents To Buy

Top 5 Best Snake Repellents To Buy

Snake Away is an important and effective solution for dealing with snake infestations. With its powerful formula and proven track record, Snake Away offers homeowners and businesses a reliable method to keep snakes at bay and maintain a safe environment.

Developed by experts in the field, Snake Away has specific designs to deter snakes and prevent them from entering your property. Here are the top 5 best snake repellents to buy:

  • Ortho Snake B Gon Snake Repellent: This repellent uses essential oils to effectively repel snake lovers from your property. It is easy to use and lasts for several weeks.
  • Havahart Dr. T’s Snake-A-Way Snake Repellent: This product is made of all-natural ingredients that create an unpleasant scent for snakes, keeping them away from your home or garden.
  • Liquid Fence Snake Repellent: This liquid repellent creates a barrier that snakes find irritating, deterring them from entering your property. It is rain-resistant and long-lasting.
  • Nature’s Mace Snake Repellent: This repellent combines essential oils and natural ingredients to create a scent that snakes dislike. It is safe for use around pets and children.
  • Snake Defense Natural Snake Repellent: This all-natural repellent contains a blend of plant oils that effectively repel the smell of snakes. It is easy to use and provides long-lasting protection.


The duration of Snake Away’s smell can vary depending on weather, application frequency, and the type of snake repellent used. While the scent may linger for a few days, it is important to reapply the product regularly to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Ultimately, the longevity of the smell should not be the sole factor in determining the success of a snake repellent. Proper use and understanding of the product’s ingredients and intended purpose are key to effectively keeping snakes at bay.

We hope this information has been helpful in addressing any concerns about the duration of Snake Away’s smell and its effectiveness as a snake repellent.


1.Is Snake Away Harmful To Breathe?

Ans: Snake Away, a popular commercial snake repellent, typically contains sulphur and naphthalene as active ingredients. Breathing in small amounts of these chemicals is generally considered safe for humans. However, prolonged exposure or breathing in large quantities can irritate the respiratory system.

2.How Long Is Snake Away Effective?

Ans: The effectiveness of Snake Away can vary depending on factors such as weather conditions, application method, and the specific product used. Generally, snake away can remain effective for several weeks to a few months.

3.What Smell Do Snakes Hate?

Ans: Snakes are famous for disliking strong odors such as ammonia, garlic, and certain essential oils like lavender and cinnamon. These scents can be overwhelming for long-lasting snake repellent and may serve as deterrents.

4.Can You Use A Snake Away In The House?

Ans: No, Snake Away should not be handy inside the house. Black Snake Away is a repellent designed to deter snakes from entering specific outdoor areas, such as yards or gardens.

5.Will Snake Away Keep Coral Snakes Away Also?

Ans: Snake Away is mainly effective against rattlesnakes and garter snakes but may not be as effective against coral snakes. Traditional snake repellents do not typically deter coral snakes and may require other methods of prevention, such as removing potential prey sources or sealing off entry points. It is always best to consult with a professional pest control expert for specific advice on dealing with coral snakes.

6.How Often Should You Apply Snake Away?

Ans: Snake Away should be reapplied every 2-4 weeks or after heavy rain to maintain its effectiveness in repelling snakes from the treated area.

7.What Scent Keeps Snakes Away?

Ans: Snakes are sensitive to strong odors, such as those from essential oils like cinnamon, clove, or garlic, which can help deter them from entering certain areas. However, these scents may not always be completely effective in keeping snakes away. They should be used in conjunction with other preventative measures like sealing entry points and removing potential food sources.

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