How To Fix A Bad Broom Finish On Concrete

Maintaining a beautiful, polished concrete surface is essential for any home or business owner. However, despite proper preparation and careful application, sometimes the result of a concrete broom finish may not meet your expectations.

A bad broom finish can be frustrating and unappealing, whether with uneven texture, visible lines, or other imperfections. But fear not; there are ways to fix a bad broom finish on concrete and improve the finish of your concrete surface without starting from scratch. So, put down the broom, and let’s start achieving a perfect concrete finish you can be proud of.

How To Fix A Bad Broom Finish On Concrete

5 Steps On How To Fix A Bad Broom Finish On Concrete

5 Steps On How To Fix A Bad Broom Finish On Concrete

Various tools such as grinding machines, brooms, and imprint mats can rectify a bad concrete broom finish. The initial step involves pinpointing the specific problem area for targeted repair.

It is crucial to prepare the surface beforehand by carefully cleaning, grinding, or overlaying to ensure a smooth base for the fix. One effective method is to reapply the same broom texture over the flawed finish, resulting in a consistent appearance.

For optimal results, enlisting the services of a professional concrete contractor with the necessary expertise in employing the correct techniques is highly recommended. Here are five application steps for fixing a bad broom finish on concrete.

Tools Required For Fixing Broom Finish

Tools Required For Fixing Broom Finish

The Tools required are here:

  • Concrete cleaner
  • Pressure washer
  • Concrete patching compound
  • Trowel
  • Concrete resurfacer
  • Broom or brush
  • Protective gear

Step 1: Clean The Surface

Clean The Surface

Start by thoroughly cleaning the surface. Use a stiff brush or broom to remove any debris, dirt, or loose particles from the concrete. You can also use a pressure washer for a more thorough cleaning.

Ensure the surface is completely dry before proceeding to the next steps to ensure proper adhesion of any repair materials. Additionally, you should inspect the area for any cracks or damage that may need repairing before addressing the broom finish.

Step 2: Repair Any Damaged Areas

Repair Any Damaged Areas

It is important to assess the extent of the damage first. Repair any areas visibly damaged by chipping away loose concrete or filling in cracks.

This step is crucial to ensure a smooth and even finish when applying the new broom finish. Addressing these damaged areas early in the process can prevent further deterioration and achieve a more professional-looking result.

Step 3: Sand The Surface

Sand The Surface

Sanding is crucial to smoothen any rough or uneven patches on the concrete. Use a power sander or sandpaper to carefully work on the surface, ensuring that it becomes even and well-prepared for the next steps in the repair process.

Sanding helps create a more uniform and visually appealing finish, ultimately enhancing the overall look and durability of the concrete surface. Be thorough and patient during this step to achieve the desired results.

Step 4: Apply A New Broom Finish

Apply A New Broom Finish

The next step is to apply a new broom finish. This involves carefully selecting the right broom and technique for the job. Creating texture with a broom involves specific techniques to achieve the desired result. Here are some key techniques:

Direction of Strokes

Ensure consistent strokes across the concrete surface are in the desired direction. Before starting, the mason calculates the strokes’ direction based on the concrete area’s size and shape. Typically, masons pull the broom towards themselves in straight lines. They may divide the area into sections and determine the most efficient direction for the strokes to ensure even coverage.

Angle of Broom:

The mason determines the angle at which to hold the broom relative to the surface. This angle varies depending on the desired texture and the mason’s preference but is typically between 30 and 45 degrees. The mason decides where to begin applying the broom strokes. This is often at one end of the concrete surface, systematically working towards the opposite end.

Consistent Pressure:

The mason applies consistent pressure to the broom as they pull it across the surface. This helps ensure uniformity in texture and appearance. Too much pressure can result in deeper grooves, while too little pressure may not create enough texture.


To avoid gaps or inconsistencies, the mason overlaps each broom stroke slightly with the previous one. This creates a seamless texture across the entire surface.


Time the broom strokes carefully to ensure they are made while the concrete overlay is still wet and workable. Avoid waiting too long, as the concrete may start to set, making it difficult to achieve the desired texture.


Make sure the concrete surface is clean and free of debris before starting. Begin by moistening the surface slightly to help the new broom finish adhere better. Then, gently sweep it across the concrete in the desired direction using a broom with the appropriate bristle stiffness. Ensure even coverage and consistent pressure for a uniform finish. Allow the new broom finish to dry and cure properly according to manufacturer instructions for the best results.

Step 5: Allow To Cure

This is crucial for ensuring the broom finish sets correctly and achieves the desired appearance and durability. Curing times may vary depending on the type of concrete used and environmental conditions, so it is important to follow manufacturer recommendations or consult a professional for guidance.

Proper curing will help prevent issues such as cracking or flaking in the finished surface, ensuring a long-lasting and attractive result. Allow the newly applied concrete to cure for at least 24 hours before allowing foot traffic or adding additional water or coatings.

How Much Is The Cost Of Fixing A Lousy Broom Finish On Concrete?

How Much Is The Cost Of Fixing A Lousy Broom Finish On Concrete

The cost of fixing a lousy broom finish on concrete can vary depending on the extent of the damage. The cost is roughly between $20 and $25 per square foot. If the finish is uneven and unattractive, one solution could be to apply a floor leveler to smooth the surface.

This process can help create a more polished look and improve the overall appearance of the concrete garage floor. It is important to consider the size of the area that needs leveling and the type of floor leveler required, as costs may differ based on these factors. Ultimately, investing in fixing the concrete floor can enhance the aesthetics and functionality of the space.

Causes Of Poor Concrete Installation

Poor concrete installation can stem from various factors, such as applying a concrete sealer with a rough finish, leading to an unattractive appearance and potential future damage. Additionally, excess water can weaken the concrete and result in a less resistant finish, making it susceptible to cracks and deterioration over time.

Ensuring the correct methods and materials are utilized during installation is crucial to prevent such issues. By addressing these causes and implementing proper techniques, the longevity and durability of concrete structures can be significantly improved, reducing the need for costly repairs in the long run.

Here are some potential causes to be aware of:

  •  Inadequate surface preparation
  •  Incorrect broom technique
  •  Improper timing: Timing is crucial when applying a broom finish.
  •  Inconsistent application:

Why Do We Put A Broom Finish On Concrete?

Why Do We Put A Broom Finish On Concrete

The broom finish on concrete is popular for various reasons, combining functionality and aesthetics in one technique. Installation methods for the broom finish involve applying a layer of concrete before dragging a broom across it to create texture.

This finish provides a non-slip surface and adds a decorative touch to concrete surfaces. You can apply acrylic sealers to enhance their durability and appearance, offering protection against wear and tear while enhancing the overall look of the concrete.

This standardized technique can be tested using industry-standard methods such as C97 – Standard Test Methods or AASHTO T259 – Standard Method.

According to ASTM D412 and ASTM G53 – Practice, it is 6-8%, while the compressive power, as per ASTM C10, is 4800 psi with sand and 3900 psi without. Once it reaches a lump-free consistency, a topping compound or concrete patch may fill any voids or imperfections on the surface.

Common Mistakes To Avoid In Concrete Repair

Common Mistakes To Avoid In Concrete Repair

– Inadequate surface prep leads to poor adhesion.
– Incorrect mixing ratios weaken repairs.
– Overlooking cracks cause future problems.
– Improper application yields uneven surfaces.
– Rushed curing results in weak repairs.
– Ignoring weather affects material performance.
– Low-quality materials lead to frequent repairs.

One must avoid these common mistakes to ensure a successful outcome in concrete repair. One of the key aspects to remember is using concrete calculators to determine the amount of material needed for the job accurately.

Additionally, proper preparation of the concrete surface, whether a concrete slab, driveway, or walls, is crucial for the repair to be effective. Avoid overlooking the importance of using decorative concrete techniques such as stamped concrete, polished concrete, and concrete overlays for a visually appealing finish.

Utilizing concrete stains and sealers can further enhance the durability and aesthetics of the repair. The repair process can be smooth and long-lasting by steering clear of these mistakes and paying attention to details like concrete countertops.


The right techniques and tools can fix a bad broom finish on concrete. Whether it’s a rough surface or uneven brooming, you can take steps to improve the appearance and functionality of your concrete.

You can achieve a smoother and even broom finish by identifying the problem, preparing the surface, applying a bonding agent and patching material, sealing the surface, and adding finishing touches.

It’s important to address these issues to prevent further damage and ensure the longevity of your concrete. While broom finish has benefits, such as better traction and durability, there are also cons. Fixing a bad broom finish on concrete will enhance your surface’s aesthetic appeal and performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What Is The Best Repair For Concrete?

When considering the best repair for concrete, one can explore various options. Exterior concrete repairs may involve resurfacing with colored concrete to enhance aesthetics.

Patching or sealing may be sufficient for a concrete driveway. Concrete products like sealants or overlays can provide durable solutions for cracks or damage, ensuring longevity and structural integrity.

2.What Coating Makes Concrete Smooth?

Concrete countertops and overlays are popular for achieving smooth finishes on concrete surfaces. Experts often recommend concrete overlays to enhance countertops’ appearance while maintaining a smooth texture.

By incorporating innovative techniques, such as using concrete overlays, individuals can transform their concrete surfaces into sleek and modern designs that are durable and aesthetically pleasing.

3.What Do You Use To Smooth A Concrete Surface?

People commonly use a concrete float to smooth a concrete surface. A trowel is commonly used to achieve a smooth finish when smoothing a concrete surface.

The worker moves the trowel across the slab, ensuring they level the concrete evenly. The process involves carefully working the trowel over the concrete walls to eliminate imperfections and create a flawless surface.

4.What Is The Best Sealer For Broomed Concrete?

The best sealer for broomed concrete is a penetrating sealer that will protect the surface without altering its texture or appearance. For broomed concrete, the best sealer would depend on the specific needs and preferences.

Some options to consider are alternate products, such as epoxy or acrylic sealers, which offer different textures and finishes. Another option could be Portland cement-based sealers, known for their durability and resistance to joint damage. You should explore various options to find the most suitable sealer for your broomed concrete surface.

5.What Is The Depth Of Broom Finish Concrete?

The depth of broom finish concrete typically ranges from 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch, depending on the desired texture and finish. Contractors typically pour broom-finish concrete around four inches to ensure durability and strength.

After the concrete has been laid and smoothed, a broom finish is applied for texture and slip resistance. Sealing the surface with a satin acrylic sealer is recommended to protect it from wear and tear. Customers can add aluminum or other aggregates to the mix based on their preferences for added strength.

6.Can You Use Sandpaper On Concrete?

Yes, sandpaper can be used on concrete to smooth out rough areas or remove imperfections. A home improvement expert, Danny Lipford, suggests that concrete surfaces can be polished with sandpaper to achieve a smooth finish. To do this, pour a thin layer of concrete mix over the basement floor and then sand it down with sandpaper until it is level.

7.What Is The Last Tool Used In Finishing Concrete?

The last tool used in finishing concrete is typically a trowel, specifically a steel or power trowel, to achieve a smooth and level surface.

The magnesium float is the last tool used in finishing concrete, which creates a smooth surface by pressing down on the concrete and leveling it out. It is essential to wait until the concrete has been set before using this tool to ensure optimal results.

Additionally, incorporating additives such as calcium chloride can accelerate the setting process, while using Portland cement as a binding agent helps to strengthen the concrete mixture, resulting in a durable and long-lasting finish.

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